Monday, March 9, 2009

2 Weeks Before We Leave

It is another snowy day here in New England and hard to believe that in 13 days we will be in the Dominican Republic, making new friends, offering ourselves in service, and bringing all we have collected.

As we prepare to leave I invite all the students to share a reflection on why you wanted to go on this trip? What are you looking forward to? How has the experience of gathering donations gone?


  1. Although I have been telling myself that I am going to post on the blog, I have been extremely negligent in actually getting around to it. However, today it finally hit me that we are going to be in the DR in a little over a week and it's about time I write the post that I've been meaning to write for days. I am extremely excited to get to the Dominican. Partially for the weather (I've got to be honest), but mostly because I am just so excited to have this experience. I've never done service outside of the country and I am ready to try something new. I hope that this trip creates many fond memories and I am anxious to expand my horizons in a new and different culture.

    In terms of the experience of gathering donations, I must admit that I was a little disappointed at first with the lack of response we were getting. However, my hopes were lifted today when I entered the Upper School Office and saw the box overflowing with donations. We also recently got a ton of donations from Middle School, and it has been heartwarming to see how willing everyone is to help. Doing these sorts of drives really helps me see how caring and thoughtful our community can be and it is really nice to see that there are so many people who do what they can to help out.

  2. I am excited to go the Dominican Republic for so many reasons. In short, it will be a great cultural experience (I'm looking forward to using my Spanish)and an amazing opportunity to help those in need. Also, it seems like a great group of people going on the trip. There has been so much positive energy going around this week and I hope the excitement only continues in the DR.

    As Sherilyn mentioned, we were a bit slow in getting donations at first. But overall, I think we've been pretty successful between the drive, drink sales, and dress down day. After spending the last few months of collecting supplies and raising money, I can't believe the trip is almost here! I am really grateful for all the support we have recieved from the community as well as from outside of MB.
